Tuesday, 9 August 2011

What makes a Looter?

I'm sure those of you reading this post have heard about the riots taking place in London and in other cities in the UK. Supposedly, the riots have their roots in what is believed to be the wrongful shooting of Mark Duggan. The whole truth concerning this matter has yet to be revealed, but what has become evident is that the riots taking place at the moment have nothing to do with the shooting anymore. Even Duggan's friends and family have spoken out against the rioters.

Which begs the question, "Why are these riots taking place?" I'm sure there are a number of staple answers to this, such as frustration towards unemployment and the general economic situation, but when we remember that the majority of the rioters are minors, the lack of jobs doesn't seem to be the likely cause of their outbursts.

This, quite frighteningly, appears to leave sheer criminality as the most likely cause of the riots. If this is the case, it would mean that the rioters have been exposed to an appalling lack of social and family values. Some have pointed fingers at the welfare system, claiming the rioters are the children of those who abuse the system. In my view however, thing's aren't so cut and dried. Granted, children of people who live off welfare have an increased chance of following in their parents' footsteps and living off the system, but would such an environment result directly in a generation of violent criminals? It could also be said that people who abuse the welfare system make for poor parents, and as such make no attempt to prevent their children from entering a life of crime. However, once again, could simple neglect breed individuals capable of so boldly committing the crimes we have seen take place?

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